Welcome to my blog...updated last 16th January 2009!

Still learning using Joomla! and my new website still under construction. Kalau nk pegi gak, kat sini
pun leh....Insyaallah,nnt inimachi akan update website tu gak k.... :)

Bluetooth Stereo n Headset for my A829 !!

morning all.....

apa plak kali nie?EHEHEHEHEHEH....

sebelum tu,baca review kat CNET review dulu k.... tekan SINI...

kat atas nie gambar lampu status n power dia,warna biru n warna merah...

dia tengah connect ngan NWZ-A829 inimachi tu,tengah nk pair la tu

power button, built in mic and multi function button...
leh guna kat henset yg ada bluetooth untuk received and make call lagi... :)

power input, DC +3V and lubang adaptor yg kecik je tu...

that all for the pic,ada banyak lagi,tapi segan nk upload la..

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